
Becky Talbot

Services offered: Birth only

Hello, my name is Becky and I live in central Cambridge with my husband, James. Three of our five children still live at home with us, My youngest child was born at the Rosie in 2009. The older two have now flown the nest and started families of their own; I have two wonderful grandchildren.…

More about me

Hello, my name is Becky and I live in central Cambridge with my husband, James. Three of our five children still live at home with us, My youngest child was born at the Rosie in 2009.

The older two have now flown the nest and started families of their own; I have two wonderful grandchildren. In my personal experiences through pregnancy and motherhood I discovered that being supported and nurtured empowered me to make choices that were right for me and my family, whether that be highly medicalised, or home birth, both of which I have had. I find women and babies, birth and pregnancy awe inspiring and believe it is the most wonderful thing to bring a new little person into the world.

I have had the joy of supporting many women and their partners to navigate this exciting and sometimes bewildering experience in their family’s lives both as a doula and in my birth preparation classes, I have also worked outside the home in Sex and Relationship Education and supporting young people within the Education system. I love my allotment and spend any spare time that I have there; which is not a lot!

Birth Doula
I am a Recognised Birth Doula. I trained with Developing Doulas in 2013. I work in
Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon and sometimes beyond. I have a real passion for supporting women and their families . What is most important to me is that you feel confident informed and nurtured through the process of planning your birth, the birth itself, and that special time after your baby has arrived. I have supported many different types of families, and their very individual births, including home-births, births after caesarean, hypnobirths and water-births.My philosophy is that if a woman experiences a quiet, calm and nurturing environment, she is most likely to feel positive about her experience however the baby is born. I have supported medicalised births, including caesarian, induction of labour as well as many births when the mother needed no medical intervention at all.

I have found that when parents have access to evidenced based information they make choices that feel right for them. The calming presence of having your own doula alongside you,who you know and trust, gives reassurance and support to you and your partner however you choose to birth.

What I do?
As a doula, I am able to accompany you (and your partner) through the process of preparing for birth, and support you during labour and birth. I can also support you in the first weeks after birth and will visit once or twice, once the baby is born. I can draw on my knowledge and experience, to provide you with emotional support and physical comfort measures. If the need arises I can help you communicate with your midwife and medical care team to ensure that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions during pregnancy, labour, birth and the early days of parenting.I can make suggestions for planning and preparing for your birth including emotional and physical health throughout your pregnancy, writing a birth plan, helping you create a nurturing, bonding environment for those early days with your new baby.

I always provide two full antenatal sessions tailored to meet your needs, and can also help you to prepare any older children for the arrival of your new baby. I am happy to accompany you to any hospital appointments, and am available throughout your pregnancy for phone calls/texts/visits should the need arise. Throughout the on-call period (usually 38 to 42 weeks) you can call me 24 hours a day.

Continuous Personal Development
I am a member of Cambridgeshire Doulas. I co-run Cambridge Birth Choices, a free drop in group that provides emotional support and practical suggestions for pregnant women in Cambridgeshire. I am experienced in supporting, VBAC, Water-birth, Hypnobirth, Caesarian, Active birth, and have attended many training sessions and Workshops on Attachment, Rebozo, Birthing for Blokes, Pregnancy Massage, Water-birth, Hypnobirthing, closing the bones, active birth, birth rights, Breastfeeding, early parenting, my training is ongoing and I aim to stay updated and current in my knowledge and practice.

My Doula services
A package of Doula and independent midwife support (as part of Cambridge midwives)
Private hypnobirthing classes.
BirthLight active birth
BirthSense birth preparation.
Impromptu birth doula service. On occasion I have been called upon by women who
suddenly require the support of a doula, either during or just before labour begins. This can be for a variety of reasons. Even though we have not built the antenatal relationship, I have experienced instant rapport with these women and been able to
positively support them through their labour and birth. If you require this service please phone, 07852347001
Every woman has the right to feel safe, relaxed and nurtured, to choose how and where she gives birth and every family deserves to thoroughly enjoy their babymoon.

Becky supported me to have the home birth I always dreamed of, I wish every woman could have Becky’s support during pregnancy and birth.

She was absolutely invaluable from the moment we met her; from emotional support for both me and my husband, to helping me make my own informed choices and looking at ALL my birth options.

Becky brought amazing positive, calming vibes to the birth of my baby. I found that I couldn’t help but relax every time I looked to Becky for support during my labour, she was a rock and I could never thank her enough for the love and care I received from her. I feel strongly that every woman having a baby should have a Doula to offer knowledge care, support and love and I personally couldn’t imagine being pregnant and giving birth again without Becky being there.

Dear Becky, You were our rock, our confidante, our perfect doula. Thank you, thank you,thank you.
“Thank you so much. Your commitment and dedication to helping us have the birth we wanted was remarkable. Attending appointments, researching new topics, connecting us up with other professionals, your wealth of knowledge, your positive, enthusiastic, kind encouragement…. You were the perfect doula for our perfectly imperfect birth.”

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